We were approached by this company to help rewrite an ageing front end user interface into a more modern system. The old system was highly robust and rich in features but lacked visual stimulation. Adding new elements to the old system was also proving to be time consuming. Whilst the old system was perhaps the most feature rich available world-wide, its appearance would detract from future sales.

The company was at a crossroads with some key design decisions and finding it difficult to determine the best technology for what they were trying to achieve. The new system needed to be more visually appealing and allow for additional features to be added much more quickly.

After agreeing scope for the initial investigation we put together a wireframe mock-up which would allow us to talk around how users would make use of the new system. At this time we were already thinking about further new features which we could add into the system making it highly customised to each users preferred way of working whilst remaining highly responsive. Several technologies were used to achieve this but we focussed on established core design principles to ensure that the system could be delivered on time and would remain robust.

During this project we have also re-trained the existing IT team and helped to bring new members on board as the company continues to win new business.

We have successfully migrated the development environments through Visual Studio 2010 and now up to Visual Studio 2013. We continue to actively research newer MS technologies as appropriate to the future requirements of the company and the applications.